Landscape analysis of the Levante de Almería region (2000). Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.
Reflections on landscape at different scales. Landscape and renewable energy (2007)
End of Master Project Management “Contribution to the knowledge of the perception and social assessment of the environment of Tierra de Campos (Castilla y León): bird conservation (ZEPA) and its influence on the local socioeconomic development ”. Master in Management of Protected Natural Areas. Fund González Bernáldez, Autonomous University of Madrid (Bustamante Corrales, M., 2006) (Dir: Requejo, J.)
Social assessment of the processes that alter the landscape in the South of Córdoba. A comparison of the vision from the rural and urban environment ”(Moreno Ortiz, J., 2008). Final Degree Project (Dir: Matarán, A., Requejo, J.).
Research project with the objective of expanding and developing the aforementioned PFC on the social assessment of the processes of transformation of the agricultural landscape in the South of Córdoba. AT KEY, 2008.
The social dimension of the landscape in infrastructure design (Requejo Liberal, J., Moreno, J.). Communication presented at the 3rd International Landscape and Infrastructure Congress. Cordova. 2010.
Analysis of the perception of Asturian landscapes through social research techniques in "Sectorial Guidelines for the Management of Tourism Resources of the Principality of Asturias" (2010). Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Principality of Asturias.
Landscape evolution simulations in “Tourism management of the Conil coast”. ROSAM Roche Municipal Corporation.
Landscape evolution simulations in the Conil Strategic Tourism Plan. Conil City Council.
Landscape evolution simulations in Tarifa for the 2005 Tarifa Strategic Plan. Tarifa City Council.
Landscape integration study of the Las Aletas productive space. Ministry of Innovation, Science and Business. 2009.
Sector report and landscape impact simulations in the La Janda Wind Resources Management Plan, Landscape Analysis. Sectorial scheme of programming. Janda Litoral, 2002. Diputación de Cádiz.
Landscape Workshop Coordination in the Baixo Miño. Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Environment. 2011