Evaluation of the Impact of the Public Policies of Youth of the Junta de Andalucía during 2014 and the comparative 2011-2014. Andalusian Studies Center.
Social Participation Plans in the visitor centers of the Natural Parks of Sierra Mágina and Sorbas. EGMASA Environmental Management Company Ministry of Environment. Junta de Andalucía.
Design and organization of a Conference on Tourism Destination Management in Tarifa. Tarifa City Council.
Management of the Tourist Plan of the Campo de Gibraltar 2006-2009. Commonwealth of municipalities of Campo de Gibraltar.
Management of the Tourist Plan of Alcalá de Guadaira 2006-2009. Alcalá de Guadaira City Council.
Strategic positioning of the Convention and Exhibition Center of Jaén. Institución Ferial de Jaén S.A.
Management of the Tourism Excellence Plan of Conil de la Frontera (3 years). City Council of Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz).
Operation design of the Expoforo Program. State Society for EXPO'92.
Study on the methodology for the optimization of the design of rural road networks. Andalusian Institute of Agrarian Reform. Junta de Andalucía.
Analysis of the functional and urban situation of the University of Seville. Vice-Rectorate for Infrastructure. University of Seville.
Design of an International Exhibition on Cultural Territorial Systems within the framework of the DELTA Project. Institute for the Mediterranean (IMED).