Environmental Impact Study of the L/66 kV Arucas-Guía (Gran Canaria). Red Eléctrica de España.
Environmental Impact Study of the L/66 kV Aguineguín-Mogán (Gran Canaria). Red Eléctrica de España.
Pilot project for the identification, characterization and mapping of the routes and flight corridors of birds that interact with electricity transport lines. Red Eléctrica de España.
Environmental Impact Study of the L/220 kV Vemtilla-L/Alahurin-Ventana. Red Eléctrica de España.
Environmental Impact Study of the L/220 kV Parralejo – Puerto Real. Red Eléctrica de España.
Environmental Impact Study of the L/220 kV Atarfe – El Fargue. Red Eléctrica de España.
Preparation of documentation for the Unified Environmental Authorization of a thermosolar plant and its electrical evacuation line in Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba). Capital Energy.
Preparation of environmental and urban documentation for the authorization of the implementation of the common evacuation infrastructures of the Community of Solar Thermal Plant Goods of the Nudo Don Rodrigo. Comunidad de Bienes Nudo Don Rodrigo.
Study of the breeding Avifauna of the project environment of the Guijo de Coria Thermosolar Plant Guijo de Coria (Cáceres). Eufer.
Study of Environmental Impact and Study of Avifauna of Complete Cycle of the projects of the Equestrian Parks La Alcaidia y el Próspero (Los Corrales, Sevilla). ORISOL. Corporación Energética, S.A.
Preparation of Express Inventories and Comprehensive Documents corresponding to projects of electrical lines and substations. Red Eléctrica de España.
Environmental Impact Studies of wind parks Cruz de Carrutero y Las Tadeas (Palencia). Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Environmental Impact Studies of wind parks in Almería, Granada y Málaga. Gamesa Energía.
Environmental Report of the highway Encinasola-Límite con Extremadura. Giasa.
Environmental Impact Studies of wind parks Jaralón, Pedrizas y Perejil (Málaga). Gamesa Energía.
Environmental Impact Studies of wind parks Sardón (El Granado, Huelva). Gamesa Energía.
Previous study of Avifauna of the Eolian Park Grávalos and its evacuation lines evacuation. Neg-Micon Ibérica.
Environmental Impact Studies and opinion on technological reconversion of the e-park KWT en Tarifa. Alave la Ahumada.
Environmental Impact Studies of wind parks eólicos Moedo y El Tallar (Soria). Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Environmental Impact Studies of the e-park Grávalos and its electrical line of evacuation (La Rioja). Neg-Micón Iberica S.A..
Estudio de Avifauna en el parque eólico de El Granado. Gamesa Energía.
Environmental Impact Study of the General Planning of the municipalities of Jimena de la Frontera, Zahara de la Sierra y El Gastor. Diputación Provincial de Cádiz.
Environmental Impact Study and Avifauna Study of the Complete Cycle of the Ecolodic Parks of the Hoces y la Rabia (Arcos y Jerez de la Frontera). Gecal S.A..
Environmental Impact Studies of the e-park Alentisque (Soria). Neg-Micon Ibérica S.A..
Environmental Impact Studies of the e-park Eólico Brazuelo (Burgos). Neg-Micon Ibérica S.A..
Control and proposal of correction of the environmental incidence derived from the construction of the Wind Power Plant El Pulpal (Sierra del Madero, Soria). Neg-Micon Ibérica S.A.
Environmental Impact Study of the Wind Parks of the Tobarillas, La Pedrera y los Almendros (Murcia). Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Environmental Impact Study of the Wind Parks Gamonal y Valdehierro (Burgos y Palencia). Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Avifauna study in the potential location of a wind park of Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). Wigep Andalucía.
Environmental Impact Study of the Wind Park Fuente Álamo (Fuente Álamo, Albacete). Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Environmental Reports on potential sites of wind parks in Andalucía y Galicia. Ecotécnia, S COOP..
Environmental Impact Study of the Ecolic Park Sierra de la Tienda. Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Preliminary Environmental Reports of seven sites of Eolic parks in Burgos. Neg-Micon Ibérica S.A..
Expansion and Realization of studies of environmental impact of six wind farms in Granada y Almería. Gamesa Energía.
Environmental Impact Study of the 66 kV electric line La Roda-Alameda. Becosa Energías Renovables.
Study of Environmental Impact and study of Avifauna of the complete cycle of the Wind Parks Olivillo, la Silla y la Zorrilla (Jerez de la Frontera). Becosa Energías Renovables.
Study of Environmental Impact of Wind Parks Doña María y Cortijo de Lora, en Málaga. Geansa, Sociedad Gestora de Parques Eólicos de Andalucía S.A..
Preliminary Environmental Reports on four locations of Wind Power Plants in Palencia y Burgos. Vendaval Promociones S.A..
Avifauna study on the site of a future wind park in Cañete la Real (Málaga). Ecosistemas del Sur.
Environmental Report on a bottling plant for natural mineral water in Los Villares (Córdoba). FRASA Ingenieros Consultores S.L..
Preliminary environmental report on the potential location of the wind power plant Les Comes (Villalba dels Arcs, Terra Alta, Tarragona). Ecotécnia, S.COOP.
Environmental Impact Study of the wind power Patricia. (Pancorbo, Burgos). Gecal S.A..
Elaboration of Memory Summary of five projects of wind power plants in Murcia. Ecotécnia,S.COOP..
Preliminary report on the avifauna affected by the possible construction of wind parks in the Bosphorus Strait area. (Turkey). Ecotécnia, S. COOP..
Environmental Impact Study of the Cerro del Nudo Wind Park. (Ardales, Málaga). Geansa, Sociedad Gestora Eolicos de Andalucia S.A..
Environmental Impact Study of the wind park Cortijo Carrasco. (Ronda, Málaga). Geansa, Sociedad Gestora de Parques Eólicos de Andalucía S.A..
Estudio de Impacto Ambiental del Parque Eólico de El Turco. (Ronda, Málaga). Geansa, Sociedad Gestora de Parques Eólicos de Andalucía S.A..
Elaboration of the environmental impact study of the Maria Luisa e-park. (Palencia). Gecal S.A..
Avifauna study on the site of the future Patricia wind farm (Pancorbo, Burgos). Gecal S.A..
Preliminary environmental assessment, summary report and Environmental Impact Study of an Aeolian park in Alfarnete. (Málaga). Geansa, Sociedad Gestora de Parques Eólicos de Andalucía S.A..
Estudio de impacto ambiental y estudio de avifauna de ciclo completo del parque eólico de Alijar.(Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz). Becosa Energías Renovables.
Preparation of environmental report on the incidence of the construction of a canalization of water supply between Sevilla and “Las Cruces”. FRASA Ingenieros Consultores S.L..
Elaboration of Preliminary Environmental Reports on Potential Locations of Wind Plants in Castilla y León. Neg-Micon Ibérica S.A..
Avifauna Study and Environmental Impact Study of two Eolic Parks in Medina Sidonia y Vejer de la Frontera. (Cádiz, España). Daimler-Chysler.Aero/Espace.
Control and proposal of correction of the environmental incidence derived from the construction of the Wind Power Plant of Pozalmuro. Neg-Micon Ibérica S.A.
Environmental Report on the equestrian initiative in Almonte. Arenal Grupo Consultor S.L..
Environmental Report of an exotic fauna tourist facility in Utrera. Juan Sánchez Ocaña.
Preparation of a preliminary Environmental Report on the Aeolian Wind Gap Plan in Aragón. Vendaval.
Preliminary Environmental Studies of the Las Peñas and Matapardo Wind Farm Projects (Burgos). Vendaval.
Environmental Impact Study of the Sierra de Aracena Industrial Park. Ayuntamiento de Aracena.
Environmental Impact Study of La Cantera of Buenavista. El Puerto de Sta. María (Cádiz). En colaboración con Grupo Zona, S.L..
Environmental Impact Study of the Solid Waste Plant of the Commonwealth of Alcalá del Río, Brenes, Castilblanco de los Arroyos, Guillena y Villanueva del Río (Sevilla). Área Técnica. Diputación Provincial de Sevilla. In collaboration with Grupo Zona, S.L..
Environmental impact study of the expansion of the Monteahumada Experimental Ecolic Park. Endesa.
Physical and territorial characterization of the environment of the milling, refining and packaging of Cargil oil in San Jerónimo, Sevilla. Cargill España, S.A.
Opinion on the impact on the vegetation of the construction of a golf course in the land called Los Humeruelos del Término Municipal de Benalup (Cádiz). Ayuntamiento de Benalup.
Environmental Impact Study of Modification of Urban Land in Aracena (Huelva). Promoción de viviendas. Promotor y Ayuntamiento de Aracena.
Environmental impact study of the El Pulpal e-park (Sierra del Madero, Soria). DERASA.
Environmental impact study of the electric line and temporary power evacuation substation of the eolic plants of Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz). Desarrollos Eólicos.
PFirst analysis of the data collected in 'Las Abejas' for the evaluation of the potential incidence of an ecological plant on avifauna. Ecotecnia.
Report on the environmental impact of the work of channeling the Garganta Barrida (Ubrique, Cádiz). Hydrographic Confederation of the Guadalquivir.
Preliminary evaluation of the impact on birdlife in the La Nava and Los Majadales wind farms (Chiclana de la Frontera y Medina-Sidonia, Cádiz). Ecotecnia.
Study of the potential incidence on the avifauna of the performances in Tarifa of Desarrollos Eólicos S.A.. Desarrollos Eólicos.
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential location of an eolic plant in La Torre de L’Espanyol (Ribera d’ Ebre; Tarragona). Ecotecnia.
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential location of a wind power plant in Cabra del Camp (Alt Camp, Tarragona). Ecotecnia.
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential location of an eolic plant in the Selleta de Pallerols (La Pobla de Benifassà, Castellón). Ecotecnia.
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential location of a wind power plant in Rueda de Jalón (Zaragoza). Ecotecnia.
Report on the environmental impact of the project "Connection of general conduction with Chiclana. Municipality Puerto Real y Chiclana (Cádiz)”. Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir.
Potential impact on the avifauna of the wind turbine plants and the electrical line for the evacuation of the Tarifa Wind Development Plan. Aerogeneradores del Sur, Alabe La Ahumada, Endesa Cogeneración y Renovables, Microcentrales de Andalucía, PEESA, Wigep Andalucía, Wind Ibérica de España.
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of two potential sites of wind power plants in the south of Cataluña. Ecotécnia, S.COOP..
Preliminary study of the Environmental Incidence of the potential location of an Wind Power Plant in Montealegre del Castillo (Albacete). Ecotécnia, S.COOP..
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential site of several wind power plants in Galicia and northern Portugal. Ecotécnia, S.COOP..
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential location of an Aeolian Plant in the South of Algeciras. Ecotécnia, S.COOP..
Preliminary study of the environmental impact of the potential location of a Wind Power Plant in Puig de la Font (Tarragona). Ecotécnia, S.COOP..
Evaluation of the environmental impact of the Strategic Wind Plan Castilla la Mancha of Neg Micón Ibérica SA. Neg-Micon Ibérica SA..
Environmental impact study of the "Marquesado de Zenete" wind farm (Huéneja, Granada). GAMESA ENERGÍA.
Preparation of preliminary environmental reports on potential sites of wind power plants in Burgos. Neg-Micon Ibérica SA..
Preparation of Preliminary Environmental Reports on two potential sites of wind power plants in Soria. Neg-Micon SA..
Preparation of the environmental impact studies of six eolic plants in Granada and Almería. GAMESA ENERGÍA.
Environmental Impact Study of the General Planning of the municipality of Valencina de la Concepción. Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.
Study of environmental recognition for the location of golf course in Chiclana de la Frontera. DEMOPOLIS.
Environmental Impact Study of the Pozalmuro Wind Farm Pozalmuro. Negmicon.
Preparation of preliminary environmental reports on four potential sites of wind power plants in Burgos. Negmicon.
Previous report on the foreseeable environmental effects of the execution of a future plan for the wind facilities of the SEA in Tarifa. Sociedad Eólica de Andalucía.
Environmental Impact Study of the remodeling of the SEA's wind facilities in Tarifa. Sociedad Eólica de Andalucía.
Development of corrective measures for the environmental impact studies of the wind parks ofLos Nietos, Tacica de Plata, Nacimiento y Loma del Viento. (Almería). Gamesa.
Preparation of the Forestry Fire Self-Protection Plan for the Sierra del Trigo Wind Farm (Jaén). Gamesa.
Environmental Impact Study of the El Lirio Wind Farm project (Pozoalcón, Jaén). ERGM.
Modification of the Environmental Impact Studies of the Gamonal and Valdehierro wind parks. Vendaval.
Environmental Impact Study and Avifauna Study of seven wind parks in Cadiz and Sevilla. Becosa.
Modification of the Environmental Impact Study of the Tobarillas Wind Park (Yecla, Murcia). Vendaval.
Previous Environmental Report on wind research areas in the north of the Province of Sevilla. Vendaval.
Elaboration of complementary information required for the Environmental Impact Study of the Gravalos Wind Park (La Rioja). Negmicon.
Environmental Impact Study of the Eolico de Brulles Park (Burgos). Negmicon.
Preliminary environmental report on the implementation of wind farms in Torrelaguna (Madrid). Negmicon.
Environmental Impact Study and Study of Avifauna of the Complete Cycle of the Caballerias Wind Farm (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz). Gecalsa.
Environmental Impact Study of the Sierra de Tijola Wind Park. Gecalsa.
Environmental Impact Study of the Almirez, Mojonera and Lomas del Castillo I and II wind farms. Gecalsa.
Environmental Impact Study of a high tension line between Paterna and Arcos Sur. P21.
Environmental Impact Study of the Los Collados and Fuente Salada wind parks. (Burgos). Becosa.
Environmental Impact Study of the Electrical Evacuation Line of the wind parks of GAMESA in the High Birth Valley (Almería). Gamesa.
Environmental Impact Study of a wind farm project in Malta. Negmicon.
Preparation of additional documentation for the Environmental Impact Studies of the La Jauca and Pujar wind parks. (Granada). Gamesa.
Report on the potential impact of the P.E. project. War I (Puerto Real) on the areas of dispersion of the imperial eagle and Bonelli's eagle. Luz del viento.
Study of Environmental Impact and Study of Avifauna of Complete Cycle of the Sites of wind farms Palomajero, Rodalabota, Postuero Alto and La Valdivia. (Sevilla y Cádiz). Becosa.
Environmental Impact Study of the Tesorillo wind farm (Jimena de la Frontera). Wind Ibérica.
Environmental Impact Study of the Caniles wind parks (Granada) y Egea (Almería). Gamesa.
Environmental Impact Study of the Los Claveros wind farm. Gamesa.
Modification of the Environmental Impact Study of the Villaquirán equestrian park (Burgos). strong> Neg-Micon. p> blockquote>
Environmental Impact Study of the Alijar II wind farms (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz) and Valdivia II (Osuna, Sevilla). Becosa.
Environmental Impact Study the electric line of evacuation of the Roalabota Wind Farm (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz). Becosa.
Memoirs on the foreseeable environmental impact of the change of technology to be implemented in wind parks of Desarrollos Eólicos S.A. in the region of Guadalteba (Málaga y Sevilla). Desarrollos Eólicos S.A.
Environmental monitoring of the wind farm Sierra del Trigo (Jaén ) during its third year of operation 2004/2005. Gamesa.
Reports on the foreseeable environmental impact of the change of technology to be implemented in wind farms de Desarrollos Eólicos S.A. in Medina Sidonia (Cádiz). Desarrollos Eólicos S.A..
Realization of environmental works related to five wind farms in the provinces of Málaga and Sevilla. Gamesa.
Environmental and territorial pre-feasibility study of the Huelva airport. Klin.
Environmental Vigilance Program of the Valdivia Wind Farm (Sevilla) and its electric evacuation line. Becosa.