Degree in Geography from the University of Valladolid, 2002.
Lines of work in which he specializes:
- Environmental Impact Studies
- Geographic Information Systems
- Territorial Planning and Urban Planning
He has taken several courses related to urban planning, cartography and Environmental Impact Assessment
Since 2004 he works in Asistencias Técnicas Clave S.L. in the Information Systems department, carrying out various projects related to urban planning, energetic infrastructure and geographic information systems
The most outstanding projects in which he has participated are:
- Conventional mapping of the Environmental Plans of the Natural Parks of Sierra Morena Occidental. Environment Agency Andalusian Board
- Study on plots, urbanizations and buildings outside the perimeters urban and urbanizable in Extremadura and District of Évora (Portugal). Regional Ministry of Public Works of Extremadura.
- Urban Information Writing for the preparation of the P.G.O.U. from Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). Diputación de Sevilla.
- Elaboration of the cartography corresponding to several Environmental Impact Studies of transport power lines. Red Eléctrica de España.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (Sustainability Report) of the Andalusian Energy Sustainability Plan. Andalusian Energy Agency. Ministry of Innovation.
- Preparation and preparation of the base mapping of the POT of the Urban Agglomeration of Seville. Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.