Degree in Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid, 1990.
Diploma of Engineering and Environmental Management from the School of Industrial Organization, 1992.Lines of work in which he specializes:
- Management and Planning Studies.
- Environmental studies related to power generation and distribution.
- Environmental studies related to industrial activity.
He has worked as an environmental consultant for several companies from 1992 to 2002, where he participated in projects related to the industrial environment, has worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of Cádiz, and as an environmental education monitor in other companies. During 1994 he wrote the biweekly column on the environment for the economics section of El Periódico de Aragón, and has also been a speaker at congresses and symposiums.
In Asistencias Técnicas Clave S.L. he has been an environmental consultant since 2002, where he has carried out numerous environmental studies related to management and planning and the environmental impact of energy infrastructure and facilities.
The most outstanding projects in which he has participated are:
- Environmental impact studies of wind farms, photovoltaic and solar thermal and biodiesel manufacturing plants, and transport and distribution power lines. Several promoters, Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, Teruel, Sevilla and Zaragoza. 2000 to the present.
- Preparation of the documentation for the authorization of occupation of the public domain of water, land, livestock, public forests, authorization of forestry work, Prevention Plans for Forest farm fires and Forest Fire Self-Protection Plans for power generation and transportation facilities. Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, and Seville. 2004 to the present.
- Action Projects, Special Plans and Urban Reports for authorization urbanization of the implementation of power generation facilities. Miscellaneous promoters Cádiz, Huelva, Sevilla, Málaga, Córdoba, Jaén and Almería. 2002- until Present.
- Environmental impact studies of waste transfer centers (TPA / FCC 2002), landfills for non-hazardous industrial waste (Grupo Hera 2001), advice for the authorization of production of hazardous waste (Diputación General de Aragón 1994-5), and authorizations as producers of hazardous waste (several promoters of renewable energy facilities, 2006 to the present).